It was 10 months ago that we went to the hospital to have you Ezra. It took two more days until we finally got to meet you. Giving mommy one of her many lessons to come in patience! There are some things I want to remember that have happened recently. You're growing up way too fast. Learning things at such a fast pace and really taking off!
Two weeks ago you learned how to walk! You'll walk between daddy and me, and sometimes to other objects in the house (if they are close in distance). You're still unsure about walking everywhere yet. We're ready for you to do it and it was so exciting to see you take your first steps! You really, never cease to amaze us!
You also learned to clap two weeks ago. Now you do it all the time! It's so cute! You've started singing in church. We love it, and I hope everyone around us does too!
You've found out what your tongue is and stick it out ALL the time. You fake laugh, but it's started to turn into your new laugh. You are so ticklish and giggle like crazy when we tickle your belly and feet!
You've also learned how to tell us "no" and "all done" through sign language. Maybe we shouldn't have taught you no, but the all done will do wonders for us.
You continue to eat everything we put in front of you, you'd eat everything we did if it was all easily edible for you!
You're not so scared of "strangers" any more. You willing went to my Uncle Jon yesterday and didn't worry for a minute that he wasn't mommy or daddy! This will be helpful in the coming months!
You continue to love your daddy so much. I love watching the two of you together.
You're still teaching us patience in the sleep department. We wish we knew what more we could do to help you. We hate hearing you cry and hate having to deal with that every night.
We love you more and more every day. You make us smile, laugh, and mommy cry (usually good tears).